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Genetisk variation i brunststyrka hos svenska mjölkkor :

When cows in Sweden are inseminated the heat strength is reported to the Swedish milk-recording scheme and AI scheme. Cows that show strong signs of estrus are desirable and the trait is included in the Swedish breeding goal. A strong heat makes it easier to inseminate at the right time and to avoid long and expensive days open. Since ten years the heat strength is scored from one to five by the farmer and reported to the milk-recording scheme and AI scheme. Earlier the score was from one to three and the decision was made by the AI technician.

Association between animal-based measures and register-based welfare indicators in dairy cows : a study of the advisory service "Ask the Cow" and the web report "Animal Welfare Signals"

Animal welfare can be measured in several different ways; for example by using animal-based measurements. It has been shown that register data from The Swedish Official Milk Recording Scheme can be helpful when identifying herds at risk of having poor animal welfare, which led to a development of the advisory service of ?Ask the Cow? and the web report ?Animal Welfare Signals?. The aim of this project was to find out if register data from ?Animal Welfare Signals? can be used as a screening tool for detecting herds at risk of having poor animal welfare and in need of an ?Ask the Cow?.

Is goat milk a better milk replacement to piglets, rat pups and foals than cow milk is?

AbstractOne opinion among people who are experienced in hand rearing newborn mammals is that goat milk is more suitable than cow milk if the young needs a milk replacer. The purpose of this literature review was to find out if there is scientific evidence that goat milk is a better milk replacer for piglets, rat pups and foals than cow milk. The milk is essential for the newborn animal, as its only source of nutrition until it has learned how to eat solid food. In this literature review, the composition of goat milk and cow milk is compared with the nutrient requirements after birth in piglets, rat pups and foals. The nutrient requirements and the milk composition are partly determined by the newborn mammals activity level and suckling frequency, which also is described.

Galactose in dairy products

Milk and milk consumption has been subject of discussion for a long time, and is still a hot topic. Recently, as study was published that observed a correlation between milk intake and increased risk of fractures and mortality. The authors proposed the milk?s content of D-galactose as the possible mechanism, since D-galactose is used indicated ageing in animal models. Therefore, this study aims to develop a method to determine the amount of galactose, glucose and lactose in milk and fermented milk and apply it on to dairy products on the Swedish market.

SAB-systemets utveckling 1985-1997

The aim of this Master's thesis is to compare the 6th and the 7th editions of the classification scheme of the Swedish classification system (SAB) to reveal which principles are used concerning the development of this system during the period 1985-1997. Guiding questions are: What kind of changes has been conducted? How do these changes relate to development of other general classification schemes and to theories concerning revision work? The results of the analysis show that possibilities to use synthesis have increased by an extension of use of geographic and chronological subdivisions. The classification scheme has also been easier to use by elimination of parallel subdivisions and regularization of the scheme. To maintain stability revision is performed on selected subclasses.

Milk yield and composition in Swedish landrace goats (Capra hircus) kept together with their kids in two different systems

Swedish goats are mainly held for cheese production and therefore, both milk quality and composition are of great importance for dairymen. Today, only few data exists on milk composition from Swedish dairy goats and the casein content is still unknown. One way to reduce the work load for goat farmers and increase animal welfare can be to keep goats and kids together for longer periods. The aims of this study were to investigate how milk yield and composition were affected when kids suckled their dams during 8 weeks, and to measure the casein content on farm level by a mid-infrared spectroscopy method, previously calibrated for goat milk. Lactating goats were kept in two different MIX- systems where the dams are both suckled and milked.

Kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheter av att donera bröstmjölk : En litteraturöversikt

Background:Breast milk has many good qualities and recommendations declare that breast milk alone is the most favorable choice for newborn babies up to six months of age. When the mother can´t provide her own breast milk for her baby, donor milk is a valuable source. Unfortunately the demand is often higher than the supply and thereby milk banks suffer from shortages. Aim: Highlighting women's experiences of being milk donors. Method: The study has been conducted as a literature review in which existing research has been used.

Är merinokorsningar ett alternativi jämtländsk fårhållning?

Sheep breeding contributes not only with wool, hides, meat and milk but also with openlandscapes. The sheep?s wool is a good raw material thanks to a lot of different qualities as itis water rejecting and easy to form. The wool production today is concentrated to specificplaces in the world which leads to environmental problems and a distorted market. InJämtland, a province in Sweden, there is right now a staking going on for local production andrefining of wool in a project called Ullforum.

Svenska mejerier stärker positionerna : incitament för lansering av lågprismjölk

The competition in the milk industry has increased during the last couple of years. This is a result of the trade barrier that dissolved when Sweden entered the European Union. The membership signifies an increased internationalization for the dairies, which has also increased the existence of low price chains in the Swedish food market. The increased share of private brands has strengthened the competitive situation for the manufacturer- owned brands. Three of Sweden?s seven largest dairies have now decided to launch a low price milk to cope with the competitive situation.

Spädningsvätskans påverkan på vaginas mikrobiologiska normalflora hos sto i samband med insemination

Sheep breeding contributes not only with wool, hides, meat and milk but also with openlandscapes. The sheep?s wool is a good raw material thanks to a lot of different qualities as itis water rejecting and easy to form. The wool production today is concentrated to specificplaces in the world which leads to environmental problems and a distorted market. InJämtland, a province in Sweden, there is right now a staking going on for local production andrefining of wool in a project called Ullforum.

Effects of two different light programs on milk yield, prolactin, IGF-1 and sleep in dairy cows

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sleep, photoperiod, milk yield and hormones connected to milk formation. Variations of prolactin (PRL) and Insulin-Like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in plasma were measured during two different light programs. The light programs consisted of either 24 hours of light (L24:D0) or four hours of light and 20 hours of darkness (L4:D20). Five cows of the Swedish Red breed were used in a cross-over experiment and each light program consisted of five days. Milk yield was measured at every milking and milk samples were analyzed with regard to fat, lactose and protein.

Rörelseanalys med tillämpning av inversdynamik : en pilotstudie på frisk labrador retriever

Sheep breeding contributes not only with wool, hides, meat and milk but also with openlandscapes. The sheep?s wool is a good raw material thanks to a lot of different qualities as itis water rejecting and easy to form. The wool production today is concentrated to specificplaces in the world which leads to environmental problems and a distorted market. InJämtland, a province in Sweden, there is right now a staking going on for local production andrefining of wool in a project called Ullforum.

Hyllad, ratad eller anonym : en studie om svenska konsumenters attityder till opastöriserad mjölk

In Sweden, all milk needs to be pasteurized. Unpasteurized milk [ OPM ] may only be sold in a smaller scale directly from the farmer to the consumer. The law was introduced in 1939, to prevent tuberculosis, which poses no threat today. There are other reasons, such as keepability and risk of pathogenic bacteria, why milk is pasteurized. Despite these risks, many consume OPM.

Möjligheter att utfodra överskottsmjölk till kalvar efter pastörisering

Good feeding practices are a basic aspect of good calf health. During the calf's first few months the calf is fed with purchased milk replacer or raw milk straight from the cow. On all farms, it will be a surplus of milk that may not be delivered to the dairy for various reasons. Milk that may not be supplied to the dairy includes colostrum and milk with unnormal properties, including milk from cows suffering from mastitis. This study investigated the possibility of improving the milk by pasteurization in order to secure its use as feed for calves and thereby obtain an improved calf health.

The Beatles i Sverige år 1963 : En studie om The Beatles studioinspelning på Karlaplan samt gruppens mottagande i media under samma turné

AbstractEllinor Nilsson: The Beatles i Sverige år 1963. En studie om The Beatles radioinspelning på Karlaplan och gruppens mottagande i media under samma turné [The Beatles in Sweden 1963. A study of The Beatles? radio recording on Karlaplan and how the group was depicted in Swedish media during the tour]. Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för musikvetenskap, examensarbete 15 högskolepoäng, 2012.In October 1963 The Beatles started their first tour abroad, which took place in Sweden.

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